So you want to be a writer Kid? #2.01 Start Small

If you are not a veteran at writing movies it can be a massive mountain to your pushbike, but that’s okay. When you write a movie every scene is important, and if you are not use to that level of detail it is easy to turn your brilliant (and your ideas are good) into a mundane story. There are a lot of movies that are made and do not capitalize on the details. Details take your movie to another level. So how do we start?


Read. A lot. And watch a diverse range of movies and TV shows. The more diverse your taste the greater influences you have on your work. Combining different genres and style can give your story a new take. Think of your favourite movies, I can guarantee all of them have incorporated references to other content. It’s something small but it increases the quality of your work.


Start by reading short stories and practicing adapting them into a short film. Why? It is easy to loose focus or miss moments that could have been stronger when you are working on a 100-page script. Short films are restrictive in that you only have so much time to tell your story. Writing the short films gives you practice at paying attention to the small details and it will help you to make every word and every location count. Why have a scene in a coffee shop when there are millions of unique and different locations you could have the scene that can add greater depth to your work.


And I’m not saying forget about your movie ideas. If you have ideas about a movie, great! Write them down and give them time to develop. I cannot stress how important it is that you actually WRITE DOWN YOUR IDEAS. Because I can guarantee you will forget half of these amazing moments and parts of your movie if you are only remembering them. WRITE THEM DOWN!

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